McMurray Middle School COVID Exposure Test Results: All Clear
Rapid Response Keeps Kids and School Staff in School
COVID Test Results
Test results have come back from yesterday’s rapid response testing operation at McMurray Middle School. All have tested negative, which means 14 McMurray Middle School students and four staff members are cleared for school today.
Rapid Response
News came on Sunday, the 5th, that a student had tested positive for COVID at McMurray Middle School. A team of Vashon Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) volunteer physicians and Vashon Island School District staff, supported by the Emergency Operations Center, went into action. The student was isolating safely at home, but it was important to do contact tracing and get testing underway as soon as possible for those potentially exposed when the student was in class earlier in the week.
The aim was, as always, to help contain any potential spread of the disease. In addition, it was also important to clear potentially infected students and staff so they would hopefully not miss any school if their tests came back negative. Fortunately, that was the result: All the COVID tests came back negative.
Labor Day Testing
By early yesterday morning, Labor Day, contact tracing had been completed and potentially exposed student families and staff members had been invited to come for testing early in the day. The team put together a rapid response pop-up testing operation.