Prose, Poetry & Purpose – Terrance Hayes

May 2nd, 2018 by March Twisdale

This is an encore presentation of my interview with poet, Terrance Hayes…please enjoy the show, and then tell your friends about it, and then… decide what you’re going to do to make tomorrow a better world.

On my show, everyone has something to say about the human condition. That’s why they’re here. To raise our awareness of the whats and the whys and the hows of humanity, through story, poetry and memoir. Through the insights that they bring, whether we cleave to them with our minds or our deeper, emotional being, or both…they do one very important thing. They give us a reason to hope. Again and again, throughout history, humans have proven to themselves that it is only when we start paying attention to our problems…that we are able to solve them.

Recent events in our country, surrounding abuses of power within our Peacekeeping Forces, have come to the fore. They have grabbed national headlines and we can no longer ignore them. They need our attention, our creative thoughts, and then they need our actions. My first guest author ever, Terrance Hayes, is an award-winning poet who spoke eloquently with me just one week after the Zimmerman case was concluded in July of 2013. His words rang true then, and they ring true today, as Ferguson and Baltimore and L.A. remind us, again, that the fight for equality continues in America and will not end until we have solved the problem.