Own Your Intuition - Episode 25 - A gift of being empathic: the ability to amplify and uplift
February 28, 2023
Episode #25
Show Notes
Empathic ability gets a bad wrap.That’s because empaths often describe it and feel it as a liability.And it can feel that way when you don’t know how to manage your abilities.But there are also a whole host of benefits and gifts to being empathic.On today’s episode we’re going to dive into one of those gifts it’s one that also benefits others too, not just the empath.And we’ll talk about the best ways to apply this particular benefit all through true stories, as usual, on the Own Your Intuition show.
For more about Aimée, her work, readings, speaking, or classes visit www.AimeeCartier.com.
For more about Aimée, her work, readings, speaking, or classes visitwww.AimeeCartier.com.