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Prose, Poetry & Purpose – Kathy Abascal

Hosts:  March Twisdale

June 24, 2017

Show Notes

Kathy Abscal


Kathy Abascal, BS, JD, HerbalistRH (AHG) is far too many things to adequately describe in one simply bio paragraph. Suffice to say that her lifelong interest in learning has led her down pathways which have included degrees and work in the areas of: neurobiology, biochemistry, French, clinical research, physician peer reviews, law and work as a research attorney, private practice, consumer litigation, a botanical medicine program with Michael Moore, traditional herbalism & the science of herbs, the Eclectics and whole plants as medicine, including articles published in Alternative & Complementary Therapies and a number of other journals. Her lifelong curiosity combined with issues with her own health led her to move sideways from herbalism along to herbalism plus healing holistically with food, resulting in the TQI Diet in 2007 which continues to inspire her as it changes lives everywhere.
To learn more about Kathy Abascal, you can visit her “about me” page at: