Show Notes
I have a periodic show on VoV called Hometown Voices.
This is a new installment of that, in the form of an Audio postcard from a writer/poet from Nova Scotia, Canada, Jim T. Lindsey.
The only hometown voice is mine, but the piece explores the dramatic possibility of bringing text to life with sound effects and music to let listeners feel like they are actually at the Granite Coast of Nova Scotia with the Atlantic pounding the shore out their back doors.
I myself recorded the reading (taken from a reflection Lindsey wrote in the current edition of “Orion” Magazine. I added sound effects and music from open-sources archives that I credit in the piece. I also reference the archive so listeners might try to craft their own audio with its help.
The postcard is about 6 minutes, recorded at my home studio on an AKG Perception mic linked to an H4N Field recorder and edited and mixed in Audacity.
peace, – Fr. Marc