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Island Tribe Radio – Wendy Finkleman, VCA Director of Arts Education

Hosts:  Peggy Rubens-Ellis, Woody Pollock

Island Tribe Radio - Wendy Finkleman, VCA Director of Arts Education
Island Tribe Radio - Wendy Finkleman, VCA Director of Arts Education
Episode #5

Show Notes

Wendy Finkleman

How to Grow a Community

What do mask making, comics, throwing paint at each other, Willy Wonka, and screen printing have in common? Yep, they have all been offered as part of the arts education program at the Vashon Center for the Arts.

In addition to stumping both Woody and Peggy in a game of two truths and a lie, Wendy’s delightful interview shares the out of the box thinking that comes with an arts center on a small island. We talk access, scholarships, attracting all types of students from preschool to 12th grade, taking input from islanders, and watching kids come alive.

This interview is great for island folk and those wanting to know how to make a community art program shine.