Show Notes
Marla Williams is an Intuitive Life Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and Author of The BEING Zone. After leading a life full of worry and stress, resulting in a variety of illnesses, her doctor told her if she did not stop, she could die. Marla began to live mindfully, transforming her life into one of calm, happiness with intention, and now teaches others to do the same. You will learn as she did that the art of happiness is in the pause. Join Marla and learn how to exist in The BEING Zone.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_beingzone/
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YouTube: The BEING Zone
Website: www.TheBEINGZone.com
Online Training: https://thebeingzone.teachable.com/
Book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/BEING-ZONE-Transformational-Rediscovery-Reconnection/dp/1734925302/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8