Show Notes
SamCarp graduated from the University of Puget Sound in 2017 with two degrees in Environmental Policy and Anthropology. In the summer of 2017 he moved to Vashon to become a farm intern on GreenMan farm. It was during this time thatSamtook on a job with the Vashon Food Bank as an Americorps VISTA and Harvest Programs coordinator. During his year with the Food Bank,Samhelped to start numerous programs all aimed at decreasing food waste and increasing access to locally grown food for Food Bank customers, namely a Gleaning Program and a Grow A Row program. In November of 2018, the programsSamstarted were taken on by a new VISTA, Cassidy Berlin, who is the current Harvest Programs coordinator.Samis now off-island exploring other parts of the world, but will certainly be returning to Vashon again one day soon to visit the incredibly community and farms he grew to love so much.