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Classic Rock And Beyond

Hosts:  Drew and Doug Pine

Classic Rock and Beyond, one of the OG Voice of Vashon shows, has graced the interwebs and now the KVSH 101.9 FM airwaves of the Voice of Vashon since 2004, when 11-year-old host Drew Pine got his dad Doug to give him a ride to the original VoV studio at Sunrise Ridge, where a local broadcasting legend was born.

Over the years, the show’s carefully curated blend of great music, witty banter, Stanley’s Joke of the Week, and Weird News segments have kept the listening listeners literally enraptured, enthralled, educated, engaged, and entrapped. After a few years’ hiatus, the Dynamic Duo has returned!

Now coming to you from the vast voluminous Jean Bosch Broadcast Studio located smack-dab in the center of bustling Vashon Town, Classic Rock and Beyond comes to you live every Second Sunday of the month, with replays of shows new and old filling out the remaining Sundays of every month.

Tune in, or don’t!™