Voice Of Vashon
Vashon’s FM Station and Alert Service
KVSH 101.9FM – A to I
KVSH 101.9FM – J to Z
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Inspired Island – Dr. Steven W. Nourse
November 19th, 2024 by Grace McRae

Dr. Nourse and his service dog, Maya
In this episode, we get to know Dr. Steven W. Nourse, a seasoned educator and host of “IsAbled” on KVSH which explores topics pertinent to various disabilities. Steve shares stories from his life, including his experiences of being adopted and meeting his biological siblings as an adult, and his perspectives from using a wheelchair since 1971, when he contracted a virus on his honeymoon. We also learn more about Steve’s education career and his impactful teaching at the Washington State Correction Center for Women in Purdy. Join us to be inspired by Steve’s commitment to making positive contributions to society no matter the obstacles, and his personal challenge to learn or try something new every year.