Show Notes
All of my interviews are amazing. That’s just the truth of it and very much why I have devoted myself to Prose, Poetry & Purpose for over seven years. Even my website was designed and paid for with the express goal of helping people in the world connect with my PP&P Guest Authors.
This interview, however, touched upon a personal stage of my life. Christina spoke to her change of career from one amazing area of study and research to the equally incredible role and experience of becoming a published writer of fiction, and she did so in her mid to late 40’s. It was reassuring to be reminded that I, as a woman just turned 49 with two grown sons, am not alone in facing the beautiful choices of the life ahead of me and to be reminded that age need not be a limiting factor.
If you’ve ever encountered sexism or been discriminated against because of your gender, Christina’s three books touch upon the issue from myriad points of view and remind us that we are human first.