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Series Host Steve Nourse

My name is Dr. Steven W. Nourse. I retired in 2014 from Central Washington University where I managed the Master Teacher Program in the Seattle area and taught special education classes to graduate and undergraduate students. In the past 50 years I have taught junior high school, high school, alternate high school, at numerous two and four-year colleges, and the Washington State Correction Center for women in Purdy, Washington.

I have lived on Vashon since 1985 with my wife Barbara of 49 years and I raised my two daughters here. I became disabled in 1971 when I was on my honeymoon in San Francisco from transverse myelitis. Since then, I have used a wheelchair for mobility. Many times, persons with disabilities are defined in life by what they “cannot” do. I believe, as a person with a disability, that persons with disabilities should, instead, be defined by what they “can” do!

This concept may be a new paradigm, but it is also the essential theme of my show, “Isabled, The Radio Show of Possibilities.” This is a weekly show and will explore different topics pertinent to various disabilities. My first series of shows addressed the topic of service dogs, therapy dogs, and comfort animals. I covered Federal laws and the legitimacy regarding the use of these animals. There were interviews with experts who train these animals, as well as my relationship with my own service dog. I closed with personal stories from Islanders and others who have used service animals effectively in their lives and environment. This series was titled, “Who let the Dogs Out?

My second series of episodes was on the effects of distance and online learning for students with special and unique needs, ADHD, autism spectrum, Down’s syndrome, and other disabilities.

The third series of episodes is on the War in Vietnam and its effects or collateral damage on families and individuals. We delve deeply into the PTSD that many veterans experience as well as the devastating effects of Agent Orange including cancers, Parkinson’s Syndrome, and early dementia. This series has received extensive press in the Beachcomber and offers a history lesson that will leave you with sadness and joy. I think you will enjoy it.

If you have suggestions on topics you would like me to discuss please contact me.. I will also take questions on special education topics sent to my home email and research and respond to them in future presentations. I hope you enjoy the shows.
