Covid Update 7.1.2022

July 2nd, 2022 - Posted in Alerts, Uncategorized

News from VashonBePrepared •
Noticias de VashonBePrepared

#41 Friday, July 1 , 2022
Vashon COVID Monitoring: Cases Dramatically Undercounted?
● More Infectious Omicron Variants Spreading Widely
● Fireworks Ban Takes Effect
●  COVID Summer Safety Tips
● Vashon Resilience: Refresh Your Go Bag
● Latest Vashon COVID Statistics

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Vashon COVID Monitoring: Cases Dramatically Undercounted?
Vashon’s reported case count to date passed the 1,000-mark last weekend. Early evidence from a survey in New York, however, suggests that actual case counts may be as much as 30 times higher than reported counts. So, which data should we follow to get a better sense of how things are going? Hospitalization rates and death rates are likely to be far more accurate than case counts because medical providers are required to report these numbers to the state.

On Vashon, the hospitalization rate (166 per 100,000) and death rate (46 per 100,000) to date are far lower than those for King County as a whole (556 and 128 per 100,000, respectively). This puts Vashon’s hospitalization and death rates at about 29% and 36% of the county rates, respectively (see more details at Although Vashonites mix frequently with residents of the rest of King County, Vashon residents’ preventative behaviors continue to help reduce the spread and severity of COVID-19. These behaviors include being vaccinated and boosted, wearing masks in higher-risk environments, improving ventilation, avoiding crowded indoor spaces, and holding events virtually. 

Although case rates may be less accurate at this point in the pandemic, Vashon Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) continues to aggregate data from the official statistical dashboard maintained by Public Health — Seattle & King County (PHSKC), the COVID dashboard from Vashon Island School District, test data from Vashon Pharmacy, and your reports to the MRC helpline. Keep helping MRC track island COVID trends by reporting your positive home tests to the MRC helpline: (844) 469-4554.