Voice Of Vashon
Vashon’s FM Station and Alert Service
KVSH 101.9FM – A to I
KVSH 101.9FM – J to Z
Retired Shows
About Voice of Vashon
The Wave Show
Once upon a time there was a radio station (KYYX 96.5 FM) that stole the heart of a young Seattleite where he could hear music no one else was playing. Then one crushing day it suddenly fell silent. It was called ‘The Wave’. It was based on artists and bands that were categorized as ‘New Wave’ from the late 70’s to early 80’s.
This young man headed to college to learn the art of Broadcasting at Western Washington University in Bellingham. Thanks to influences from friends, concerts, clubs and working at the campus radio station KUGS 89.3 FM, he fell in love with a wonderful array of ‘Alternative’ music (Dance, Electronic, Reggae, SKA, Goth, Industrial) and local bands from up and down the I-5 corridor. Many hours and spare cash were spent in area record stores to feed the passion.
After graduating and working in commercial radio for a number of years our young Broadcaster discovered computers and turned away from the microphone and labored in IT for the next 20 years. Lucky for us his love of music didn’t die and kept up with his obsession of building his catalogue of music.
Thanks to Voice of Vashon ‘Trent Kelly’ now has an outlet to share these wonderful artists and bands and if you have a request or suggestion drop him a line at TheWaveShow@Outlook.com he’s sure to answer.
The Wave Show – Ep #55 (Atrocity Girl Interview / Then & Now – Hoodoo Gurus)
- Submitted by Trent Kelly