Behind The Scenes

The staff and volunteers who keep KVSH and VoV-TV on the air.

  • Kate Dowling ~ Executive Director
  • Chris Austin ~ Operations Lead
  • Jeff Hoyt ~ KVSH Program Director
  • Jan Lofland~ Music Curator
  • Jeff Dunnicliff ~ TV Program Lead, Videographer
  • Trent Sheppard ~  TV Operator
  • Steve Allen ~ Station Engineer
  • Truman O’Brien ~ Tech Team Manager
  • Dan Schueler ~ Tech Support
  • Luke McQuillin ~ Alert System Coordinator
  • Oscar Lopez – Sports Announcer
  • Rick Wallace ~ Fundraising Lead
  • Richard Rogers ~ Webmaster, App Development & Marketing
  • Tara Morgan ~ Social Media

Alert Team

  • Luke McQuillin
  • Hugh Turner
  • Michael Golen-Johnson
  • Jim Roy
  • Lydia Aguilar-Bryan
  • Molly Purrington
  • Melanie Salonen
  • Robert Stolk
  • Jes Cantarell

Sports Broadcasts

  • Dan Schueler
  • David Leonhardt
  • Robert Stolk
  • Jaimie Lopez
  • Oscar Lopez