Voice Of Vashon
Vashon’s FM Station and Alert Service
KVSH 101.9FM – A to I
KVSH 101.9FM – J to Z
Retired Shows
About Voice of Vashon
June 23rd, 2023 by Jeff Hoyt
Photo Club Summer Group Show
Thirteen members of the Photo Club at the Vashon Senior Center are presenting a group show of images during July and August. Photographers represented in this show are Mike Dillmann, Linda Fox, Bob Hallowell, Dennis Hess, Eliza Hitchcock, Lorra Hoffman, Charlotte Lubbert, Peter Milovsoroff, Keith Prior, Karlista Rickerson, Richard Rogers, Jeff Twersky, and Wade Yip.
A great way to see this show would be to go to the Senior Center on the First Friday Cruise receptions on the 7th of July and August 4th from 5 to 7PM. Partial proceeds of sales benefit the Vashon Senior Center. Visit vashoncenter.org or call 206-463-5173 for center hours and more information about the show.