Bruce Morser talks with Koshin about possible connections between Zen and creating art.

Stephen Black talks with Koshin about what it’s been like to have a spiritual practice since his stroke.

Carolyn Dougherty of the Recovery Cafe talks with Koshin about the importance of radical hospitality.

Why interfaith work is important. Pastor Darryn Hewson talks with Koshin about the importance of interfaith work.

Zen Crossing ~ Categization ~ Serena Maurer

May 27th, 2017 - Posted in

Koshin talks with Serena Maurer about the many ways our minds tend to categorize, and how mindfulness and social justice work can intersect with these categorizations.

Koshin talks with Father Tryphon, Abbot of the All Merciful Savior Monastery on Vashon, about the gifts of the monastic life.

Zen Crossing ~ Sangha ~ Hyunmun Sunim

May 14th, 2017 - Posted in

Koshin talks with his friend Hyunmun Sunim about the importance of sangha, or community, in the Buddhist tradition.

Zen Crossing ~ Breathing ~ Robert Litman

May 14th, 2017 - Posted in

Koshin talks to Robert Litman about the transformative effect breath can have on mental and physical well being.

Zen Crossing ~ Death ~ Carol Spangler

May 14th, 2017 - Posted in

Koshin talks with Carol Spangler about her work in the field of death awareness, and what it’s taught her about life.

In our first episode, Koshin talks to his closest friend Giko David Rubin about what it means to have and to be a spiritual friend.