By submitting your work you agree that the work may be broadcast by Voice of Vashon.
By accepting your work for review and potential broadcast, Voice of Vashon makes no guarantee that we will broadcast your submission.
If Voice of Vashon does decide to broadcast the submitted work, you grant Voice of Vashon a royalty free, nonexclusive right to display, broadcast or publicly perform the submitted work for the enjoyment of Voice of Vashon’s audience but not for any commercial purpose.
You may revoke this permission to broadcast in writing at any time and Voice of Vashon will not further use the work.
Your Right to Submit the Work
You warrant that your work is either an original work by yourself or that you have obtained the right for the work to be broadcast on Voice of Vashon.
If you are not the original producer of the work, you warrant that you have obtained broadcast rights from the owner of the rights to the work.
You warrant that Voice of Vashon’s use of the work you are submitting will not violate any rights of any kind or nature whatsoever of any person, firm, corporation, association or society. Those rights may include copyright, performance rights and personality rights.
Our Review Process
Your work will be reviewed and considered for broadcast by the Content Selection Committee of Voice of Vashon or its designee.
Selection of work for broadcast is at the sole discretion of the Committee and Voice of Vashon makes all final decisions on broadcast schedules.
Voice of Vashon does not return submitted material.
Responsibility and Liability
By submitting your work to Voice of Vashon, you agree to accept full legal and financial responsibility for your program content and its broadcast by Voice of Vashon.
You indemnify and hold harmless Voice of Vashon, its successors, assigns and licensees, from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of any breach of the warranties you are making.