Voice Of Vashon
Vashon’s FM Station and Alert Service
KVSH 101.9FM – A to I
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Eliza Dawson On Her Row Across the Pacific
April 26th, 2018 by Jeff & Cindy Hoyt

Eliza Dawson
She’s only 22, but on June 2nd, Eliza Dawson and three other rowers from around the world will depart Monterrey, California in a specially-built 24-foot rowing vessel, in an attempt to set a women’s world record for rowing from California to Hawaii.
Along the way, they’ll traverse a portion of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, estimated to be twice the size of Texas.
Bruce Morser, also a member with Jeff of the Vashon Island Rowing Club, joins Jeff & Cindy to talk to Eliza about her upcoming adventure.