Voice Of Vashon
Vashon’s FM Station and Alert Service
KVSH 101.9FM – A to I
KVSH 101.9FM – J to Z
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About Voice of Vashon
Inspired Island – Odin Lonning
November 25th, 2023 by Grace McRae

In this episode, we sit down with Odin Lonning! Odin is a prolific and award-winning Tlingit artist based here on Vashon Island. Born and raised in Alaska, Odin has a deep knowledge of and relationship with the natural world that is reflected and celebrated in his art.
With his wife Ann Stateler, who many of us know as Orca Annie, Odin is a tireless advocate for the rights and health of the iconic Southern Resident Killer Whales. Join us to learn how Odin discovered and nurtured his interest in Tlingit art, including dance, song, and visual arts, and hear stories about some of his iconic projects.
Odin shares with us why he is so inspired to teach and share his deep knowledge of art and his respect for nature during this chapter of his life.
Odin’s website: http://www.odinlonning.com