Mukai Brings My Neighbor Totoro to Vashon Theater

July 27th, 2024 by Jeffrey L Hoyt

If you’ve been enjoying the Japanese anime films from Ghibli Studios that Mukai Garden have been screening for us at the Vashon Theatre over the last few weeks, you will be happy to know that it’s not over yet. My Neighbor Totoro, an Oscar winner from 1988, is the next selection which will be screened at 7PM on Tuesday, August 6th. Among the most winsome of the Ghibli characters, Totoro is the kind of owly-bird you just want to take home to mother, which the film’s young protagonist keeps trying to do with mixed results. Donations at the door are requested but not required. My Neighbor Totoro from Ghibli Studios screening at 7PM on Tuesday, August 6th at the Vashon Theatre. This has been a Voice of Vashon Public Service Announcement, Continuing Enjoyment Department.