Voice Of Vashon
Vashon’s FM Station and Alert Service
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Sunday Silence ~ The Time That Remains
December 30th, 2024 by CLOACA
Walter Benjamin famously juxtaposed two conceptions of time—on the one hand: the ’homogeneous, empty time’ of history’s victors, the groundhog’s day of empire in which each day of the calendar is identical and infinitely repeatable. On the other: ‘Jetztzeit’ (literally: “now-time”)—a notion of time that is ripe with revolutionary potential, ready to take a “tiger’s leap into the past” and radically grab hold of it, both redemptively and apocalyptically. The Jetztzeit is related to how both St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas understood God’s existence in time as nunc stans, the “remaining now,” residing in the ‘sublimity of an ever-present eternity,’ as Augustine writes. This week, we are standing in the Time That Remains, asking ourselves what it means to live on in a time now imbued with both incredible danger and radical presence, with sounds from musclecars, Otik, and Space Afrika.
CLOACA is Vashon-based DJ / artist, Delphine Tress Morrow. She keeps the faith that music shared is a public service, a liturgy.